More sad news, I’m afraid, with the death on Friday of John Llewellyn, who always supported his wife Sue and the Courtllyns in every way. Our love and best wishes go to Sue and family who have had far from the easiest time in the last few years – we are all thinking of you. I should of course be reporting on the Midland WCC championship show in these notes but as I’m sure you have heard Joy Whitehead and committee made the sensible decision to postpone it and it will now be held two weeks later on Saturday March 17, The Asfordby venue and all other details remain the same. I’m sure this has caused the team lots of extra work and we all hope for calmer conditions then. A few judges in the current Kennel Club Journal: Eastern Counties WCC next month, Barry Coulson (Woodhenge); Welsh KC ’18, Lol Boulton (Jonloran). South East CA ’19, Dawn Woodey (Barawood), BIS Alison Benson (Corben); National W/P Breeds ’19, Liz Cartledge (Ryslip); Bournemouth ’19, Graham Hill (Dimland Borzois and a Cardi owner). South Wales ’20, Tan Nagrecha (Chandlimore St Bernards etc). Hoping the thaw is completed safely by Thursday – do drive carefully. A special welcome to all our overseas visitors whether or not you are showing. We are on Thursday in our usual ring, 18, starting at 9am. Cardis are in the adjacent ring, 17, second in after Vallhunds who have a late start at 10am. SIMON PARSONS,
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