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Simon Parsons

Party time in the South

It was quite a few years since I’d been to the WCL Southern section Christmas party so it was good to find that members were enjoying it just as much as they ever used to. Corgi fun and games were followed by a number of informal classes including fancy dress - the ‘three choristers’ who won were spectacular - a scrumptious tea and an enormous raffle, plus the League stall. Thanks must go to all who organised it and helped on the day; I won’t mention names as there were lots of you! Kevin Egan has posted quite a few photos from the afternoon. Perhaps as we approach the end of the year it would be a good time to pay tribute to everyone who gives us their time to run events for the breed and its owners. In particular the committees and officers of the clubs and sections who organise the shows, walks, parties and so on, those breeders who encourage their puppy buyers in every possible way, those who write, mentor, deal with rescue and so on. It can’t always be easy, especially for the breed clubs in these days of declining entries and support, nor on those thankfully rare occasions when people don’t get on and tact, firmness and diplomacy are required. Our thanks go to you all. On a personal note, two things struck me at the party. The first was the delightful temperament of all the dogs, not a cross word all afternoon even though few of them will ever have met before. Breeders have done a great job down the years in improving and maintaining temperament in the Pembroke. The second may be a slightly more controversial viewpoint but I for one do enjoy seeing all the cheerful tails. Before the docking ban I was as vocal as anyone at this outside interference in breed tradition but 12 years on I can’t get worked up about it any more. It would be interesting to know how many breeders, if the ban were rescinded, would go back to docking. Were I an active breeder, I’m not sure I would. What about you? Someone who is certainly enjoying all aspects of Pembroke ownership is Kim Warner and I see her well known ‘Erik’ took part with honour at the recent National Obedience Class finals. No UK show results this time. From overseas I usually only report specialty results but perhaps where there was a UK judge I can make an exception. Jeff Horswell tells me he was judging at the Fiesta cluster in Arizona. He found the Pems quite strong and gave BOB to Ch Coventry A Million Reasons who is litter sister to Linda Roberts’ Ch Sky Full Of Stars, by GCh Martindale Black Bart ex Ch Coventry Born This Way. She won the breed all four days and the group twice, including under Jeff. His BOS was Ch Desprado I Hope You Dance. SIMON PARSONS

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